Our Services
Aircraft Take-ons and Handbacks
3PLEX AERO processes are designed to ensure its customers effective savings on time and money during aircraft takeons and/or handbacks.
The processes are purposely designed to provide a seamless, cost-effective measure during aircraft phase-in/s and redeliveries.
3PLEX AERO will ensure compliance against delivery/return lease conditions providing its expertise required during import/export certification.
CAMO Part-M Subpart-G Services
3PLEX AERO extensive experience in Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation (CAMO) services will allow clients to maximise their business efficiency whilst minimising overhead costs.
Operators will surely get the best CAS available thus supporting
operators not to heavily invest in full-time salaries.
3PLEX AERO is committed to protect your valued assets through its experience, resources and ongoing knowledge.
We ensure no task or check is missing thanks to our real time maintenance forecasting system.
Consultancy Services
With its extensive portfolio, 3PLEX AERO can offer a wide range of services including consultancy and advice, regulatory compliance support and airworthiness and management services.
Our Team is composed of highly respected aviation professionals, each of whom has a track record of successfully delivered projects.
As your maintenance management partner, 3PLEX AERO will provide customer focused services designed to help improve process and increase safety whilst reducing costs within your business.
Our experiences have given us considerable acumen which we are always ready to share.
- Support with the start-up and the operation of CAMO / AOC for commercial and private operations
- Aircraft Registration
- Assistance with the purchase and sale of an aircraft
- Import/Export Management
- External audit services
- Airworthiness review recommendations
Manuals, Expositions & Procedures Development
3PLEX AERO helps its clients to comply with EASA regulations, either as a start-up operation, during approval variations or upon extension of capability. Our Team of experienced professionals is skilled in writing Expositions, Procedures, Checklists and any associated forms.
Department Services
Airworthiness Management of Aircraft
Inspection and Expertise for Certificates for Export – CofAE
Surveillance of Maintenance Planning Tools
Creation of Maintenance Programs
Analysis and Planning of Repairs and the Incorporation of Modiciations (STCs) in the Scope of EASA
Pre-Buy Inspections
Final Inspection and Approval of the Delivery of a New Aircraft
Creation of MELs
Our Companies
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Provides a wide range of services, including consultancy, regulatory compliance support, and aircraft airworthiness management services

Comprises of underground storage facilities intended to provide adequate storage place for operator/lessors asset hard copy historical records

Aimed to fulfil all aviation safety requirements, help increasing safety and improving processes at reduced costs

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